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Monday, 29 March 2010

Morning Activity

This morning, whilst getting ready for work, I noticed much commotion in the garden which to my surprise came only from one little bird. Normally 4-6 birds sit on each tree in the garden and thus contribute to the general pleasant "chirpy atmosphere".

Three Eurasian Tree Sparrows were perched on the tree and on the wooden fence (1 on the tree, 2 on the fence) in the vicinity of the nesting box. One of these was chirping non-stop. Then one flew to the hole without entering the box though, and then flew to the tree again. It was difficult to keep track of who was chirpy and who was not, but at any rate, a one point one of the Sparrow started chasing another one around in the tree whilst the third was still perched on the fence next to the box in a fluffed-up posture.

??? It did not look like a male chasing a male but rather a male chasing a female, but then again...what was the other bird doing then perched next to the box waiting ??? I am, to say the least confused.

Yesterday, no "internal" visits where paid to the nesting box, only "external" ones, I wonder if what I witness are territorial disputes or rather displays. I must read up more to understand. I will let you know if I discover anything worth mentioning and which resolves my current mystery!

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