It is the first time this has happened. Generally one or two do not hatched, but I have never had four unhatched eggs before, i.e. half in this case - not particularly good considering the effort of laying eggs.
The four hatchlings are well, the weather is good and hopefully will stay thus.
I just bought and installed a 2TB internal harddrive so that I can recording the happenings while I am away in Paris.
Paris - I can't believe it has been nearly three weeks. And what a wonderful three weeks. I met many new people and was showered with welcoming converstations with many different people with very different backgrounds and positions.
I have met two Sylvies, many Isabelles, Nicole, Elena, Ulrike, too of course Jean, Alexander, Toni, Franco, Fabrizio, ....the list is long! Ursula is helping me getting my organisational self sorted and Katrin is being a star at keeping me posted and getting me integrated. I saw some of my previous colleagues as well, which always makes me happy.
I had a full SSA day at ESOC last Wednesday thanks to some of Rolf's team members - Clare, Nicolas and Alexander - and I can only say thank you for welcoming me so. I met some of the others over lunch, Holger, Bertrand, ...
Rolf was so kind as to personally give me a mini-tour of ESOC (Darmstadt). I'm looking forward to my trip to ESTEC (The Netherlands) on the 18th. Though I have been there before, this will obviously be different. On the 17th I'll be at ECSAT, Harwell, UK.
I very much enjoyed my first exchange with Magali (Vaissiere). We spoke for about 1 hour and it felt like 10 minutes. It was pleasant but to the point and dynamic - just the way I like things.
I'm loving every bit of ESA with its wonderful complexity and mix.
Amongst the goals I have set myself is that of meeting every single person that works at ESA....
Monday I was briefly at the Space Propulsion Conference for the opening panel session on Space Missions: Mid and Long-Term Policies. I think, should I again be given the opportunity to moderate a panel, I will do it differently. I had asked the panel members to concentrate specifically on cooperation and this they did to my greatest pleasure!
You can check out the opening video if you wish - I cut it myself with the aim of underlying cooperation amonst space fairing nations and actors:
At any rate, I am thrilled to be at ESA and even more because of the job ahead - as Alvaro so nicely put it: "very interesting and plenty of possibilities for the future of ESA". I do truly believe that space is more than just inspiring - space can do so much for humanity and I will certainly do my utmost to contribute as best I can.